Welcome to Scorpio Season! The Sun enters our sign on the 23rd, but we’ll feel the impending energy as early as Monday the 18th, especially since both Mercury and Jupiter end their retrogrades in the air signs of Libra and Aquarius. After months of perceived delays or re-routes, we can feel the tide turning as our goals become more clearly defined and our paths to getting there become evident. Since every retrograde has a post-shadow period for several weeks, Scorpios should take their time Monday – Wednesday as Mercury and Jupiter find their bearings. While a part of us may want to leap into action, it’s best to spend the remaining days of Libra Season in quiet contemplation of how far we’ve come, and how much we’ve grown. Things can feel lighter for us as the month of October rounds out — we just have to give ourselves permission to feel and embrace the lightness while it’s here.