Dear Scorpio, the week begins with an earthy grand trine between Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo on Monday. This transit will have an impact on your communication, your connections and your ideas. Don’t hold back, give voice to the things you stand up for and care about. Reach out and connect with the ones that hold similar visions. This could be a time to make new friends or even spark a new romance through the causes you believe in and through speaking up and taking a stand. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will help you feel more empowered. On Friday, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, exact at 6:18 pm EST. This is a time of intuition, understanding, letting go and setting new intentions. A few things that can aid you in this moment of transition between the Full and New Moon is paying attention to your impulse for nurture, whether you feel like nurturing yourself, your loved ones, your home or your plants. Follow this need. It’s also a good time to play around with your looks. How do you want to present yourself? What first impression would you like to give?