Dear Scorpio, are you listening to your body’s wisdom? On the 19th, the North Node will meet Chiron in Aries, reminding you that it’s time to take initiative when it comes to your own recovery. What kind of shifts are your health, lifestyle and work habits in need of? On the 21st, the Moon in Leo will have a face off with Pluto, Venus and Mars in Aquarius, connecting you with your willingness to shed what feels safe in order to find your place in the world. This requires an intense transformation, and it’s a process that will take time. You’re a master at this, you’ve got this! Mercury will enter Pisces on the 23rd, activating your creative spirit. Allow yourself to enter the creative space of self-expression with no expectations or timelines, so you can remember what it feels like to play. The Full Moon in Virgo is happening on the 24th, exact at 7:30 am EST, shedding light on your social circles, group chats, and community gatherings. This Moon is here to remind you about the productive and regenerative nature available in centering mutual pleasure. Abundance becomes sustainable when we refuse to hoard it!