Dear Sagittarius, there’s so much new territory for you to explore. This week we have Mercury meeting Pluto at the first degree of Aquarius – a cosmic signature reflecting expanding beyond limitations, into brand new landscapes. Because the above activates your sector of learning, this is particularly true for you Sagittarius. It could be the perfect time to study something new, or to revisit something you’ve previously explored in a new way. Are there any passion projects that you feel ready to commit to? Either way, thinking outside-the-box is being cosmically rewarded right now. A harmonious connection between Venus and Uranus (on Wednesday), invites you into the wisdom of stillness. It will be a powerful time to meditate, or simply spend time witnessing your thoughts. Areas of your life that have felt challenging will suddenly seem less so, as solutions and synchronicities begin to flow through. Keeping an open mind to change is important, particularly with the week’s Aquarius New Moon (on Friday). Consider this time a snapshot of what the month ahead will look like. What energies would you like to cultivate, and call in? What are you ready to release?