Jun 30, 2024 | Sagittarius-Weekly, Weekly Horoscopes
Dear Sagittarius, this week will feel both deep and magical. First, we have Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces for the next five months. As this activates your sector of emotional healing, you’ll be going on a journey of spirituality and inner exploration to say the least. Take time to delve into the truth of who you are; your beliefs, dreams, your core essence; and how this all shapes your actions and pursuit of higher meaning here. This will be a time for reflecting on the big philosophical questions of “what does it all mean?” If you so choose. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Leo, illuminating your sector of adventure and travel. Here, you’ll feel a heightened sense of boldness (and perhaps impatience), which you can use to your advantage. Take a trip, enjoy physical movement, or to simply express yourself with more dynamism than usual. If it arises, enjoy the spotlight! Friday’s New Moon in Cancer prompts a new investigation of your hidden realms; inviting you to set intentions for personal growth, healing, and spiritual renewal, however that applies to you. A harmonious connection between Mars and Saturn will be particularly helpful in evoking grounding energy to pursue any new intentions with consistency and patience. You’ve got this.
Jun 23, 2024 | Sagittarius-Weekly, Weekly Horoscopes
Dear Sagittarius, home is where the heart is. This week builds up in energy as we move towards our Saturn Retrograde on Friday. All retrogrades have a tendency to challenge us in the best ways, and this particularly true for Saturn, the ruler of limitations and time. You can consider Saturn as the harsh personal coach who simply wants you to succeed. It’s this energy that forces us to mature and step up on the paths we individually traverse. Because this retrograde activates your sector of emotional healing, home and emotional safety, there is an interesting nuance for you. You’re being reminded that the world already has plenty of shadow Saturnian energy, without you adding it to your plate. You may start to feel increasingly aware of where societal standards (whether that be at work, in your personal life, the way the health care system is set up) are falling short of meeting basic human needs, including yours. This period (the retrograde runs through to November), invites you to integrate new levels of self-care and compassion into your life. Become the change you want to see in the world, and watch it flow through yours.
Jun 16, 2024 | Sagittarius-Weekly, Weekly Horoscopes
Dear Sagittarius, this is big! We’ve officially arrived at Solstice week, with the Sun entering Cancer on Thursday. This auspicious astro event activates your shadow work and healing sector, inviting you to delve into the depths of your psyche, and if possible to (gently) confront any hidden fears or unresolved emotions. This is a time to get to know yourself even more deeply; to reconnect with your essence, and the truth of who you are. This week also brings our Capricorn Full Moon, which will feel particularly powerful as it activates your sector of wealth and abundance. With this moon’s opposition to both Venus and Mercury, you may begin to notice heightened awareness regarding the relationship between your inner healing, and external prosperity. As above, so below. This will be a perfect window for reflecting on your financial aspirations and life goals. How on track do you feel? Either way, a gentle wave of reassurance and optimism comes through with this moon’s trine to Mars in Taurus. Just one step after the other Sagittarius, you’ve got this.
Jun 9, 2024 | Sagittarius-Weekly, Weekly Horoscopes
Dear Sagittarius, with so much energy moving through your opposite sign (Gemini), the balance between yourself and your relationships is still in focus this week. First, a Leo Moon forms a harmonious connection with the Sun. This mini portal reminds you that the sense of adventure that you deeply crave, can be connected to another person. Shared experiences can be perfect for expanding horizons, in all directions. It’s simply about finding and connecting with those who share (and inspire) your same enthusiasm for life. With Mars (planet of action) now in Taurus, you’re also being encouraged to reflect on your daily habits; to find the most easeful ways to manage your responsibilities. For the next few weeks, you can use this cosmic energy to eliminate unnecessary stressors and streamline your daily tasks. Reminder: all of life can feel playful Sagittarius! Later in the week the Sun meets Mercury in Gemini, heightening and expanding your communication skills. This will be an excellent time for any negotiations, collaborations, or sharing ideas. Pay close attention to where you feel inspired Sag, as here it’s likely you’ll be learning from others and expanding your knowledge through divinely-timed conversations.
Jun 3, 2024 | Sagittarius-Weekly, Weekly Horoscopes
Dear Sagittarius, how’re your relationships going? As the Sun moves through your opposite sign (Gemini), this week it will be joined by Mercury, Venus and a New Moon. With this comes an invitation into balance for you, specifically relative to the connections in your life. Themes like giving and receiving, solitude versus company, singlehood and partnership — will all be coming up over the next month, and it’s up to you to find your sweet spot within them. This means shaking off societal obligations, and feeling into your inner knowing for your own answers. As an independent sign, it’s more than likely that you’ll be inclined to venture off (metaphorically) into the wilderness for certain periods to find yourself and your path Sagittarius. This is totally natural, and it’s okay if it’s not understood by everyone. Thursday’s New Moon will be the perfect time to connect with your broader path and purpose here; to ask yourself some big questions, and plant seeds accordingly. Where do you see yourself in six months? What must change to get there? Mars’ entrance into Taurus at the end of the week reminds you that there is no rush. Focus and inner alignment will keep you exactly where you want to be in each moment.
May 26, 2024 | Sagittarius-Weekly, Weekly Horoscopes
Dear Sagittarius, get ready for a gently expansive week. First, a revolutionary Aquarius moon connects harmoniously with your planetary (Jupiter), before going on to meet Pluto. This might feel challenging, but in the best way. If any tensions, triggers, or fears come up — breathe through them, zoom out and observe yourself from a witness perspective. What do they reveal? What are they here to teach you about yourself? Thank the messenger, grow, and release. Midway through the week Mercury (planet of communication) harmoniously connects with Saturn in Pisces, encouraging you to bring a free-flowing nature to your conversations and personal expression as a whole. It’ll be a powerful time to get creative, whatever that means for you. We wrap up the week with Jupiter harmoniously connecting with Pluto. Here, you might feel inclined to deepen your connection with someone special, to connect with someone new, or yourself. Reminder: one of the ways to grow personally, can be through intimacy and connection with others.