Dear Pisces, Venus moves into Capricorn, where it will be for the next month bringing some sweet warmth into your communities. Reach out to the people, groups and causes that you feel drawn to. If there are any places where you feel you no longer fit in, ask yourself what’s keeping you from leaving. Keep an eye out for the people you meet through your friends. New romances may spark out of the blue. On the 25th, we have the Full Moon in Leo becoming exact at 12:54 pm EST, in your area of work, health and wellness routines. You’ll be feeling creative and passionate about getting your life in order. Pin-point the spaces of your life that are in need of more stability. Make a plan towards the kind of order you want to see in your life. Make it playful, make it fun, something that you will look forward to doing. On the 27th, Uranus will go direct after being retrograde for the past five months, allowing us all to be more receptive to inevitable change. In your case this has to do with communication and daily routines. As life may get faster for you all of a sudden, make sure to plan and prioritize, while also leaving room for the unexpected.