Pisces Weekly Scope July 1 – 7, 2024

Dear Pisces, what parts of your essence are asking for deeper understanding? The week begins with Neptune, your ruling planet, stationing retrograde in your sign, initiating a five-month period of introspection focused on self and identity. This invites you to explore the illusions and dreams you hold about who you are and how you present yourself to the world. Are you living in alignment with your true essence, or are you hiding behind a veil? It’s a potent time to uncover the layers of your true self. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Leo, encouraging you to bring creativity, clarity, and joy into your daily routines. Reflect on how you can infuse more vitality into your work and your habits. During the next three weeks, come up with a plan and organize your life in a way that can support both your well-being and your professional goals. As Mercury and Pluto come into a powerful alignment on Wednesday, pay attention to insights regarding unconscious patterns that may be sabotaging your daily life. Friday’s New Moon in Cancer invites you to set intentions for new beginnings in your creative projects and romantic life. What new passions do you feel called to explore? This is a time to diligently bring more playfulness and creativity into your life. Nurture your inner child and your romantic spirit. Don’t let life’s seriousness weigh down your joyful spirit!

Pisces Weekly Scope Jun 24 – 30, 2024

Dear Pisces, this is a time to embrace creativity, joy, and romance! How can you express your passions more fully? Allow your artistic side to shine. Engage in activities that bring you happiness. With Mars in Taurus, energizing your communication and local connections, how are you nurturing your relationships with neighbors and siblings? It’s a sweet time to take the initiative to strengthen these bonds by cultivating meaningful conversations and shared experiences. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries is happening on Friday 28th, inviting you to reflect on what really matters to you when it comes down to money and values. Are your spending habits aligned with your true priorities? Dream up ways to create a more secure and fulfilling foundation. Then, with Saturn going retrograde in your sign on Saturday 29th, the next five months will be a great time for some good ole’ fashioned self-reflection. Are you living authentically? What are your goals for your time here on planet Earth? What kind of boundaries do you need between yourself and your environment to not only survive but also thrive? All these questions (and more) need answering during moments of introspection. Embrace times when transformational awareness breaks through!

Pisces Weekly Scope Jun 17 – 23, 2024

Dear Pisces, this is a time to embrace creativity, joy, and romance! How can you express your passions more fully? Allow your artistic side to shine. Engage in activities that bring you happiness. With Mars in Taurus, energizing your communication and local connections, how are you nurturing your relationships with neighbors and siblings? It’s a sweet time to take the initiative to strengthen these bonds by cultivating meaningful conversations and shared experiences. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries is happening on Friday 28th, inviting you to reflect on what really matters to you when it comes down to money and values. Are your spending habits aligned with your true priorities? Dream up ways to create a more secure and fulfilling foundation. Then, with Saturn going retrograde in your sign on Saturday 29th, the next five months will be a great time for some good ole’ fashioned self-reflection. Are you living authentically? What are your goals for your time here on planet Earth? What kind of boundaries do you need between yourself and your environment to not only survive but also thrive? All these questions (and more) need answering during moments of introspection. Embrace times when transformational awareness breaks through!

Pisces Weekly Scope Jun 10 – 16, 2024

Dear Pisces, as this week unfolds with gentle steadiness and few energetic shifts, it presents a perfect canvas for reflection and grounding in the present. How can you use this time to nurture your inner peace and bring soothing vibes into your personal sanctuary? During this the last week of Mercury and Venus in airy Gemini –your area of home, family and ancestry– how you can nurture the most foundational aspects of your life before the shift into the warm waters of Cancer on the 17th. This is a time to have loving conversations with those closest to you, especially family and the ones you share your home with. If there’s anything that needs to be said or talked through, take advantage of this time, especially on and around the 14th, when Mercury comes into the heart of the Sun, forming a cazimi. You will be offered deep insights when it comes to home and family matters and about your personal life, helping you to acknowledge things and act upon them. Also on the 14th, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo, stirring things up a bit within your relationships. Are there expectations or commitments that need reevaluating?

Pisces Weekly Scope Jun 3 – 9, 2024

Dear Pisces, we start off the week with Mercury entering Gemini on Monday, inviting your inner child to come out to play. Embrace the next two weeks as an invitation to indulge your curiosity. Embrace open dialogues with loved ones. Don’t overthink what you spontaneously want to create or activate within your home and family life. On Thursday, the New Moon in Gemini is happening in alignment to Venus, inviting you to explore the ancestral practices and traditions that are calling out to you. What inherited tales do you feel stunt your growth? This New Moon wants to help you retrieve your energy from the versions of your life story that don’t allow you to embrace your full potential. With Jupiter occupying this area of your life as well, for the next 12 months, it is amplifying opportunities of growth and connection within your home and within the way you share your space with your loved ones. This is a time to work on belonging, as new insights surrounding your sense of groundedness and security abound. Then, as Mars enters Taurus on Sunday, it will activate the flow of your daily life. This is a call to carve out time for life’s simple everyday pleasures, no matter how overwhelming your to-do list may seem.

Pisces Weekly Scope May 27 – Jun 2, 2024

Dear Pisces, how have you been feeling with expansive Jupiter y sweet Venus at the root of your chart? These next 12 months will serve as a reminder that the more you ground, the more you are able to grow. There is something calling out for your attention within your private life. Make sure to shut the door on the outer world every chance you get, so you can focus on clearing out the past and on making more room within yourself and –consequently within your personal spaces– to invite the kind of company you wish to receive. The Last Quarter Moon is happening in your sign this Thursday, creating space for you to reflect on your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world. You are intuitive, and sensitive, and the way you process information and the world around you may differ from the norm, and that’s ok. Embrace yourself for who you are. This is how you connect with your true talents. Then on Sunday, Jupiter comes into a harmonious connection to Pluto, bringing some expansion and perspective to what this new age means to us all. Remember to honor your alone time. Remember to cherish your sleep and the messages that your dreams bring.