An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. I wanted to start off the scopes with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, as the week begins with his day, and as his life and resistance resonate so much with this 20 year Pluto in Aquarius transit that we’re just stepping into. Pluto and the Sun meet on the 20th, the same day that Pluto moves back into Aquarius and that the Sun gives way to Aquarius Season. The entrance of this two decades long transit is shaking the foundations of your subconscious and liminal worlds. Pluto will want you to take your alone time more seriously. Rest, a good night sleep, time for renewal will become more important than ever during this time of your life. Your dreams will become more potent and will bring stronger messages, so keeping a dream journal is not such a bad idea, and going back to old dreams from time to time. Clear out the noise from the outside world. In this day and age, where we’re so bombarded by an excess of information, advocating for your personal space and for your one-on-one connection with your inner realm is revolutionary.