Happy New Year Pisces! We start the year with Mercury finally moving forward in your area of professional pursuits. Setbacks you might have been having during the past week within your career or long-term goals finally begin to find their way forward. You’ll get clarity when it comes to the questions you’ve been reviewing in regards to what you want to be doing with your life. Pay attention to the insights! The Last Quarter Moon in Libra is happening on the 4th in your area of joint ventures, collaborations and intimacy, reminding you that mourning is not a linear process. If grief comes up to meet you, surrender to the process. Sometimes we just need to dwell in this sacred space. I know you feel so very much dear Pisces, and I know it can be scary at times, but remember that healing leads to liberation. Connect with the ones that are there to hold space for you. On the 4th, Mars enters Capricorn in your area of friendship, community and the causes that move you. Get closer to the ones that are there to recognize and accept you for who you are. Cut ties with the ones that limit your potential. Stand up for what you believe in no matter what.