Dear Pisces, the Moon meets the South Node on the 27th, highlighting the collaborations or investments that have run their course. This transit is showing you where your energy is being depleted and where it’s being fed, and this will be a major theme for the rest of the year. Pay attention, and follow your intuition if it’s telling you that something isn’t right within your exchanges, investigate! Energy vampires and emotional manipulators have got to go. It’s time to direct your time, energy and resources into the projects, people and spaces where you are supported. Clear boundaries are a must! On the 28th, a pretty auspicious alignment is going to occur when both Mercury and Saturn find themselves within the heart of the Sun in your sign. Your passion projects and personal goals will be stretching your imagination and finding the necessary structures needed to thrive. Voice your dreams into reality! As the week comes to an end with the Last Quarter Moon in Sag, take a moment to rejoice in how far you’ve come. An important part of working towards your goals is to take the time to celebrate your achievements.