Welcome to the astrological New Year! The Sun will enter the fiery sign of Aries on the 19th, and on the 20th, Mercury and Chiron join forces here, shining a light and bringing some healing energy into your partnerships. Dear Libra, dare to be known a little more deeply, more intimately. Slow down the mind, and give yourself more space to feel, and to be vulnerable. Letting others in takes courage. So be respectful with your boundaries, and be compassionate with your journey. Mars enters Pisces on the 22nd, firing up your already packed area of work habits and wellness routines. How can you make work feel less like work? What little shifts and changes can you make so that your tasks feel like magical rituals? How can you begin to make your life easier down the line? There’s an upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Monday 25th, that will be highlighting you, and all of the ways that you have learned to be more of yourself and to value yourself. You can begin to prepare for this energy by remaining conscious of your inner world. Don’t get lost outside, bring your focus back to your experience and your feelings.