Dear Libra, the week begins with an earthy grand trine between Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo on Monday. This transit will have an impact on your emotional world. This week will be about trusting your feelings, about standing up to the ones that gaslight you or want to make you feel like your emotions aren’t valid, especially when it comes to family, and about tapping into the wisdom that grief has to offer. Allow yourself to connect to the revolutionary nature of slowing down, rejecting invitations and requests, resting, sleeping longer, and not giving a f*ck. On Friday, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, exact at 6:18 pm EST. This is a time of intuition, understanding, letting go and setting new intentions. A few things that can aid you in this moment of transition between the Full and New Moon is doing more of what offers your emotional and physical stability, and leaning more into what offers sustainable stability instead of fleeting satisfaction. It’s also a nice time to reflect on what you’d like to be investing your resources and talents in.