Dear Libra, your ruling planet Venus is moving into Capricorn, where it will be for the next month nurturing your home and family life, and turning you into more of a homebody. Find and cultivate small moments of pleasure and connection within your domestic life. It’s a good time to rearrange things in your home, making it more inviting. Do more of what soothes, nurtures you, and brings you comfort. On the 25th, we have the Full Moon in Leo becoming exact at 12:54 pm EST, in your area of friendship, community and the causes that move you. This is a week to be social, but not just with anybody, connect with those friends that you can be your uninhibited self with. Reflect on your vision, on the work that you want to be doing not only for yourself but for the collective as well. Insights will abound when it comes to the people and causes you want to be aligning with.  On the 27th, Uranus will go direct, allowing us all to be more receptive to inevitable change. In your case this has to do with shared resources and efforts, collaborations, and intimate connections. It may be a time to let go of grudges, not so much for their sake, but for yours.