Happy New Year Libra! We start the year with Mercury finally moving forward, and this is happening in your area of communication and daily activities. If you’ve been feeling stuck, don’t worry, this is all about to change. Things may start to speed up slowly, so give it time. You will begin to find answers for the things you were battling with –specifically between the 23rd and 31st of December. I know that during the last months of 2023 you were really feeling and thinking about the things that no longer have space within your life, recognizing that your space is sacred, and that you have no business letting anyone or anything in. With the Last Quarter Moon happening in your sign on the 3rd, be intentional about what still needs to go, and how your boundaries are still in need of a little strengthening. Mars moves into Capricorn on the 4th in your area of home and family, and while I know you’re there for all the love, I need you to know that your heart needs rest too. This is an ideal time to focus your energy on the structure that your foundation is in need of, and the nourishment that your body is missing.