Dear Libra, on Monday, Mercury enters Aquarius, where it will join forces with transformative Pluto in your area of creativity and self-expression. This area of your life will be going through a profound shake up during the next two decades, and Mercury’s encounter with Pluto will bring clarity as to what this all means for you. What is it that you’re being urged to let go of? Embrace the creative rebirth. Hold space for deep self-discovery. During the next 2.5 weeks your words carry an especially transformative energy, allowing you to express yourself with a mixture of depth and playful authenticity. Do not keep quiet when you feel the impulse to speak. Accept the intensity of your words, let them spark your creative fire. The New Moon, also in Aquarius, is happening on the 9th, exact at 5:59 pm EST. There is an opportunity here to release limiting beliefs and self-doubt. But you must be honest with yourself. What holds you back from your ability to shine? What keeps you from living a more playful and passionate life? Only when you see it can you let go. And as you let go, your creative spirit soars to newer and greater heights.