Happy New Astrological Year, Leo! As the planet continues experiencing huge waves of cosmic energy, internal expansion will remain a prominent focus for you. Tuesday will feel particularly auspicious as the Moon shifts into your glorious sign, deepening your cord of inner connection, and evoking a sense that you’re simply becoming more available to yourself. On the same day (11.06PM ET), the Sun shifts into Aries, marking the equinox, and a shiny New Astrological Year. Ah, a fresh start Leo. As you begin taking practical action (which will increasingly feel more effortless through March) on various aspects of your life this Aries Season, remember to simultaneously acknowledge your intuitive expansion. You experienced quite a transformative journey over Pisces Season, and it’s likely that your inner shifts will now start being reflected externally. In any moments of overwhelm or confusion, remember that you always have cosmic support. Whether that’s your chosen higher power, guide team, ancestors, angels or a loved one – find balance by simply asking for the energies you need in each moment. Navigate this week with openness, embrace opportunities for growth – and it’ll be one to remember.