Dear Leo, you’re going to receive your flowers. The planetary currents have been wild over the last few weeks, and might remain that way through to Mid-March – but this week offers a pause, rest, and celebration. You’re traversing through life with big main character energy, and that takes courage, which is about to pay off! After an emotionally cathartic stint in Cancer, the moon moves into your sign on Wednesday. This is a time, if ever, to give yourself a hug (metaphorically or otherwise). Acknowledge where you’ve come from, and where you are now. Remind yourself that even if it takes time for the world to catch sight of your shine, you know it’s there. That’s what counts, and that’s what will ensure your consistency. Consciously bringing your awareness back into your orbit, rather than getting fixed on how others’ perceive you, is one of the fastest ways to truly sparkle. And the universe is supporting it! Venus meets Mars on Thursday in your opposite sign, encouraging you to trust others and invite them into your journey. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from the right people. It can thrust you forward faster than you can imagine. Besides, a theme of the week with our Virgo Full Moon (Saturday) is all about refinement. This is a time to objectively acknowledge what can be improved, shifted, or streamlined… and get to work.