Welcome to June, skymates! Mercury shifts direct on the 3rd, and then Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, begins its 4.5 month retrograde on the 4th. Start the month of with the spirit of setting Gemini New Moon intentions — all signs would benefit from infusing more fun, playfulness, and light-heartedness into their lives. But Gemini energy is also about exploring and acknowledging one’s shadows, contradictions, and inconsistencies… Perhaps there’s an inner twin in all of us that wants to be validated, and that wants to be trusted. That inner twin may feel like doing something completely different this month, and radically transforming, metamorphosing, and letting go of what and who you once were. Go for it, skymate! It’s your life, your movie, your roles to try on and experiment with. The Sag Full Moon on the 14th is likely to help all skymates dream more optimistically, but we’d benefit from using the reflective energy of Saturn Retrograde to make sure we’re not leaping without we look — there may be some blind spots and repeating mistakes that occur this month, but if we’re present and not distracted by everything happening around us, we’ll catch the cues before anything catastrophic or devastating occurs. It’s a relatively chill post-eclipse month, especially once the Sun shifts into Cancer on the 21st, encouraging us to slow down, meditate, and strengthen our relationship with our third eye and intuition. Flow with the wisdom that’s always existed within you, skymate… Read more in your KTZ Monthly Scopes below. Have a great month of June!