Key themes: generosity, forward movement, acting on your instincts, shadow work, honoring your boundaries, rest, recoup, honest self-expression, journey of self-discovery.
Dear Virgo, the month of July begins by feeding the flames of your creative fire with the Full Moon in Capricorn becoming exact on the 3rd at 7:38 am EST. Tap into the offering that your heart wants to put out into the world. There’s no one to compete with, your path is your own. So if self-doubt arises, remember that this time is all about forward movement. Take advantage of the roads that are open up for you. Be gentle with yourself, and remember that there are ways to allow for trust and doubt to co-exist. There are ways to use the power of your fear to propel you forward.
Mars enters your sign on the 10th, giving you the drive needed to focus on your personal ambitions and journey of self-development. Cultivate your inner flame, and find ways to tap into your wilderness, your instincts, your intuition. This is the place where you should be taking decisions from during the next month and half. It’s time to fully occupy up your own space.
On the 11th, we have another shift in energy when Mercury moves into Leo, the sign that rules over your deep inner waters. It’s ok to put some conversations on hold for the next two and a half weeks. You’re in need of some alone and private time, honor this need. Dream journaling, and writing about your day and your feelings can help you to explore all of the movements that your psyche is currently going through. Worries can begin to fade away once you put them into words.
As the North Node enters Aries for the next 18 months on the 17th, it wants to remind you that you can always begin again. And again. And again. Each and everyday you wake to is a new opportunity to restart. If you wander down a new road which doesn’t work, just release yourself from it. Don’t make your approach to life more difficult than what life already is. This will be a time to work on untangling yourself from the collaborations that are no longer viable, and reinvesting in the ones that are.
The Sun enters the passionate sign of Leo on the 22nd, shining a light on your need to rest, and what needs to be healed. Venus goes retrograde on the same day, and will be in backwards motion for the next six weeks, what will come up for review will have to do with your willingness towards intimacy and commitment, and any fears that may be keeping you from experiencing more love, clonessness and pleasure within your relationships. The more you dare to explore these emotions, the more you’ll be able to heal. A little vulnerability can go a long way.
On the next day, Chiron goes retrograde in Aries, reminding you to pause, to give yourself space to go deep, and to feel. Don’t ignore your grief. Loss hurts, change hurts, and it’s ok to still be processing things that happened a while ago. There’s no manual that tells us how to move through pain, we’ve all got to find our way, give yourself the chance to move through it. Let yourself be held and supported by your loved ones.
Pluto will find itself right in the middle between the North and South Node on the 23rd, 25th and 28th, reminding you that life’s too short to play it safe. Here Pluto is serving as a link between the past and the future, pointing towards what we need to let go of in order to move forward. Pluto is inviting you to be bold and provocative in your expression, especially if you’re a creator. If there’s anything you’re not doing because “what if my family sees it”, or because of what anybody may think, stop that! Allow yourself to go down that route that you know you need to walk, no matter how taboo it may seem.
On the 28th, Mercury will enter your sign, inviting you to let go of your need to be right. Perfection is in how you flow and how you uphold your values. Perfection isn’t perfect, nothing is. So do your best to let go of the outcome, and try to just enjoy the ride. Open up to rediscovering yourself within your exchanges and communications.