Taurus, this week brings a sense of renewal and spaciousness. There’s a divine healing energy here, as the Sun shifts through the final zodiac sign of Pisces and towards the conclusion of the astrological year. We’re collectively entering more watery realms of spirit, emotion and connection to our own inner magic. This energy may just enter our work spheres, as Mars forms a harmonious connection to Neptune. Plus, on Thursday we officially wrap up the post-shadow phase of our Mercury retrograde – bringing waves of clarity and momentum. Taurus, the next weeks will have your sector of community and society illuminated. As a result, you might naturally find yourself tuning into the world’s energies and noticing where change is needed. More than that… you might be reflecting on how you can evoke this change. How can you impact the world around you? Get creative Taurus – this could be anything from giving a compliment, to a career change.