Key Themes: Celebration, gratitude and counting blessings, relationships, new beginnings
Taurus we’re officially in your solar season and accordingly, it’s going to be a magical month. Mercury has gone retrograde through your sign, but that just means you’re going to be experiencing life in a deeper way. Momentum may feel like it’s slowed down a bit. But the good news is, this is just going to intensify the beauty within the many wonderful aspects of your life. Why not start a daily gratitude list? Doing so will make this month even more technicolor. Love that for you.
There are certainly some challenging transits coming up in May, but with the sun shining down from your sign, there’s a good chance that you’ll feel equipped and supported in dealing with them. On May 1st we have a Pluto retrograde beginning in the sign of Aquarius. This retrograde activates your sector of finances and career – and because Pluto is associated with fears, you might notice your own limiting beliefs around themes of abundance and wealth. Where are you letting yourself be ruled by a fear of losing security? Or disempowering yourself in terms of being able to cultivate abundance for yourself? Generating a sense of inner abundance is one of the best ways to magnetize external manifestations with a similar resonance. This could just mean taking the time to (literally) smell the roses, and once again enjoy the many blessings around you.
On May 5th the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is activating your sign in a major way, as it’s on your zodiac axis (taking place in the opposite sign, Scorpio). This means you’ll be noticing an emphasis, or shifts within your relationships. This could arise as a deepening of previous relationships, rifts arising, an old friend reaching out or a new connection. Stay open and don’t get too in your head about labeling events around this time as “good” or “bad.” Eclipse energy tends to be disruptive in a way that only makes sense once it’s over.
On May 7th love is in the air with Venus entering the watery sign of Cancer. As this activates your social sector, you might feel more inclined to get out there and meet new people. This is a time where the universe reminds you that there’s always something to learn from everyone around you, even if it’s what not to do.
We see Mercury finally going direct (in your sign) on May 14th. While the slowness of the last weeks may have felt like a break and opportunity to reset – with Mercury direct in your sign, you’re going to feel wonderful. You may notice that the efforts you’re extending are naturally going further than they have in weeks. It’ll just simply be easier to conceive and complete tasks. The question here is: what should you be doing with your time? How can you allocate your energy to its best use?
A New Moon on May 19th (in your lovely sign) invites you into a space of new beginnings and initiation. New Moons always present portals of manifestation, and this one will be extra potent for you. It’ll be a wonderful time to birth, release, or call in what you’d like to see over the next twelve months. If you haven’t already done so this year, it could be a great time to create a vision board or simply a list of goals. The next day we wrap up the sun’s transit through your sign as it moves into Gemini (May 20th), evoking a distinctively spiritual flavor to your next four weeks. It’ll be a good time to ruminate and process the shifts that have been unfolding over your birthday season. More than that, it’ll provide the perfect foundation to meet the new waves of fresh energy that approach with your new solar cycle.Why not make it your best one yet?