That’s a wrap Skymates! Taurus, this week kicks off with an optimistic Leo Moon which evokes a childlike sense of ‘anything is possible.’ Perfect, as this powerful week is the last of the astrological year. This means we might be noticing a beautiful sense of coming full circle. With our final Full Moon and the Sun launching us into the new astrological year – this week is one for tying up loose ends and cultivating gratitude. It’s also a time to envision the next stage of your dreams. Taurus, you’ve been experiencing a sense of ‘build-up’ for a while now, as your life’s been improving in accordance with how much you’re daring to receive. With the Lunar North Node in your sign, the stars are quite literally aligned for this to become your most powerful year yet Taurus. Connect to your deep reservoirs of strength and creative force: you’re ready for this.