Key Themes: Doing it your way, boundaries, your personal journey
Taurus, an auspicious start to the month begins with Mars (the planet of action) entering your sign on July 5th.
This transit tends to make ‘progress’ feel a little more seamless. It’ll be a good month for taking action and implementing positive change within your life.
There’s also an important lesson here in creating sovereignty around your momentum. Mars in your sign reminds us that the tortoise beats the hare; not just because he’s going slow and steady – but because he’s doing his way.
This will be a good theme to work with up until the Full Moon in Capricorn, that takes place on July 13th. This Moon takes place in the opposite polarity to its native sign, which tends to shake things up. You may feel a kind of tension between your inner yin and yang energies – that is the desire to just be, versus the call to move forward. What’s required here is a balance, and it’s up to you to tune into your body and mind to see what’s necessary for you at this time.
If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted or drained; rest. If you’re brimming with motivation and inspiration; act accordingly.
Your ruling planet (Venus) enters Cancer on July 17th, a transit that tends to have us more in our feels. Pay close attention to your emotional world, for it might start to become a lot more expressive. This month is one for honoring your boundaries; saying no to what feels unwanted, and dissolving any guilt or shame around prioritizing yourself.
And what better way to reinforce these new habits, with Mercury and the Sun entering Leo (July 19th, and 22nd respectively). The Sun is at home in the sign of the fiery lion, which evokes a sense of self-dignity and empowerment within each of us. This archetype reminds us that we are all divine children, and to dishonor our magical nature is to dishonor creation itself! The second half of this month will be perfect for pampering, spoiling and celebrating yourself. You deserve that.
Doing so can be the perfect remedy for some heavier transits later in the month such as Chiron (the asteroid of our deepest wounding) going retrograde in the sign of Aries. Chiron is the spot within our birth charts that points to the signature of all suffering within our lives. You’ve heard the idea that pain is what allows us to grow? Chiron reflects exactly this.
While this transit can be challenging, it is also incredibly self-illuminating and healing. For the sake of understanding any surprising or intense dynamics around this time, it’s worth figuring out where Chiron uniquely sits in your birth chart.
Get ready for shocks and surprises up to and around July 31st, where Uranus meets the Lunar North Node in your sign Taurus. The Lunar nodes tend to reflect collective signatures, so this may likely be a time where we notice surprises or twists within our global economy, resources or power structures. Any such event will be cultivating our expansion as a human species, so keep this in mind even if all feels a little unstable for a while.