Key Themes: Refinement, mindfulness, finances, flexibility, staying open to new approaches
Taurus, in the month of August, life is going to feel more grounded than it has done for quite a long time – and you’ll be here for it. The usually explosive Leo season is being slowed and muted by the number of retrogrades currently unfolding. Instead of being about outward expression and momentum – there’s almost more of a reflective yin or inward signature.
On August 4th, Mercury enters Virgo and you’re being invited into a space of detoxification. The sign of Virgo reflects refinement and wellbeing. When in Mercury, the energy is all about the ways that we honor and find balance within our minds. Taurus, you’ll be reminded of simple actions like not checking your phone first thing or last thing in the day to maintain your mental health. Similarly, you might feel more mindful about social media intake, and the kinds of entertainment or conversations that you’re taking in. The focus on health and wellbeing is something that will continue throughout the month, Taurus. Remember: the better you feel, the more equipped and capable you’ll be in navigating and creating your best life.
On the 11th Venus enters the sign of Leo. Because it’s your planetary ruler Taurus, you might start feeling a little bit more confident and ready to express. If you have any creative impulses around this time, you’ll be rewarded for acting on them. Venus is the planet of beauty, and Leo represents the impulse to create. This can be a potent combination!
Almost midway through the month, the Full Moon (August 11th) in the sign of Aquarius will be activating your sector of career finances and physical structures. If this is a realm where you’ve been feeling stagnant, limited or stuck – bringing fresh energies of insight will help you here. Aquarius is the sign of the innovator, and all about new ways of approaching things. As a Fixed sign Taurus, it could feel a little unintuitive for you to step into the unknown, but the air sign’s wisdom reflects that often, this is where expansion lies. A comfort zone can feel great, but most times – nothing grows there.
On August 20th, this theme of flexibility is furthered, with Mars entering the sign of Gemini. Gemini can be known for being notoriously flaky… but it is also a sign that understands duality, and the validity of multiple perspectives. This could trickle into your way of thinking Taurus, and if this is the case, lean into it!
The Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd, to cultivate a sharper sense of focus. Virgo is about refinement, and improvement. This month you’re looking at these themes, alongside career and finances – the whole recipe of which is compounded by a Uranus retrograde on the 24th of August. This retrograde takes place in your sign Taurus. It can be a signature for collective, global shifts regarding economy and resources. Over the course of this transit, we might be seeing established financial paradigms beginning to fall, as well as new opportunities and pathways to abundance. There may not be any clear answers during this time of flux, but that’s okay. Simply staying aware of the fact will help you remain adaptable in the face of change.