Key themes: Solar celebration, lift off, clarity on your path, soul searching, receiving
Dear Sagittarius, a synchronistic and expansive November awaits. As we leave the eclipses behind and roll onwards towards your own solar season, you’ll be feeling shifts of finality and closure, but also potential and budding excitement. This month will lift lethargy, confusion and stagnancy almost immediately, so buckle up.
On November 4th, Saturn goes direct in Pisces, illuminating your sector of family and emotional safety. Saturn is one of our most practical planets; its energy provides us with the challenges and obstacles required for our growth. In other words, the experience of limitation (Saturn) is a driver for your evolution (there really is always silver lining!). Now moving through Pisces, those Saturnian challenges can take on a more abstract feel. This transit can (somewhat uncomfortably) highlight areas where you may have been a tad too dreamy, scattered or unclear when it comes to achieving our goals… before nudging you into a more aligned and clear state. Saturn in Pisces says you are more than capable of achieving the things you want Sagittarius. Or you wouldn’t want them in the first place. But it will take work, consistency and an honoring of time, in order to get there.
Mercury (our planet of communication), will be entering your glorious sign on November 10th, which you may feel like a calmed mind, or newfound confidence, when it comes to expressing your truth in the world. If you’ve been experiencing brain fog, don’t worry. After all, we’ve just had the Lunar Nodes squaring Pluto, as well as our last Full Moon Eclipse in opposition to Mercury. But this will start to shift around now.
Speaking of shifts, on November 13th, our Scorpio New Moon activates your sector of spiritual connection, making it one of the most potent New Moons of the entire year. Scorpio energy holds an ability to see hidden truths and what sits behind the surface of reality – whether that be in relationships, your own psyche, or general dynamics of life around. In other words, this New Moon will be an ideal time for illuminating areas that have been bothering you for a while, and/or tickling your curiosity. What don’t you know about yourself, Sagittarius? Why do you feel the way you do? Why do you love that one thing and hate that other thing? You’re reminded that your attractions and repulsions carry keys of self-understanding – and with the opposition to Jupiter, a divine portal arises for receiving answers that you may seek.
The above provides the perfect full circle vibes, as we get closer to the Sun shifting out of Scorpio (November 22nd), and into your powerful sign. We’re officially at Sagittarius season! Mars will join a few days later (November 24th), as well as asteroid Ceres (November 25). In other words: the cosmos is lit up with your passionate, optimistic, and ever-journeying sign. This is a time of celebration, empowerment, self-appreciation, receiving and sharing joy. The universe will be illuminating your life with solar gifts for your next cycle, and you’ll be feeling yourself. Enjoy!
The Gemini Full Moon on November 27th activates your sector of relationships. There’s an invitation here to work on your “receiving,” Sagittarius. Even if it feels a little unintuitive to bask in adoration, this will be a time for awareness on how you can receive compliments, gifts, and kind words. Tip: the more you can accept, the more you create space for the universe to provide even more blessings and abundance. This is your time to shine.