Sag, the Scorpio New Moon on the 4th is an invitation to trust and to move with the flow of life. You’re here for a reason. You’re an expression of the divine. Venus and Mercury both shift energy on the 5th. Venus entering Capricorn is a time to get intimate with your resources. Know how much you can afford and don’t go beyond that. With Mercury entering Scorpio, be quiet, it’s time to listen to your inner voice. On the 19th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is an invitation to slow down and to stay present for yourself and your body’s needs. Don’t exhaust yourself because it’s socially admired. The expansive energy of your sign will be swooping in at the end of the month through the Sun and Mercury. This is your time. Take care of your energy by sticking with the things and the people that help you grow.
In this fast-paced world, I recognize rest as a radical act. I don’t presume my needs, I give myself the time to listen. I don’t doubt what comes up. I trust. I let healing take place through the mere practice of slowing down and letting go.