Sagittarius, this week starts with a Leo Moon evoking a childlike sense of excitement and renewal. Perfect, as this powerful week is the last of the astrological year. This means we’ll be experiencing both a build-up, and a beautiful sense of coming full circle. This week is one for tying up loose ends, reflection and gratitude. Sagittarius, you’re shifting into a new chapter: this is the time to envision and call in the next stage of your evolution. The Virgo Full Moon specifically invites you into a space of radical self-acceptance. This lunar axis carries a message of accepting the messiness of life and recognizing that ‘control’ really is an illusion. You can use this lens to regard yourself, dissolving any of your perceived ‘flaws’ into divine and beautiful quirks. Self-improvement is great – but be careful not to lose your sense of self-value, lovely Sagittarius.