Sag, we kick December off with Neptune going direct, inviting you to be kind and caring with yourself. Then the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in your sign happens on the 4th. Get in touch with what wants to emerge in your life and from within you. Allow yourself to dream your next year into being. There’s a lot going on this month, on the 13th Mars enters your sign, pulling your focus towards your needs, and Mercury enters Capricorn, stimulating your relationship to your self-worth. With the Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, open up to the healing opportunities that come through your partnerships. Venus goes retrograde the next day, launching a time of deep soul-searching regarding where you put your resources. The last Saturn/Uranus clash of 2021 happens on Christmas Eve. How you manage your time and prioritize your well-being continue to shift. Keep up the radical self-care.

I renew my commitment to myself and my development. I make space to indulge in big visions. I allow myself to go far and wide with the connections that are worth it. I want my partnerships to be real and to hold space for what we both have to give.