Key Themes: Inviting in slowness, balance and wellness, boundaries, sharing your gifts with the world
Sagittarius, the Sun is currently hurtling through your sector of play, celebration and self-expression… setting you up for what has the potential to be a glorious month.
You’ve just made it through some of the most intense transits of 2023, such as Pluto’s shift into Aquarius (where it will remain for two decades), and Saturn’s move into Pisces (where it will stay for roughly 2.5 years).
The collective energy is shifting increasingly fast by the day, but the good news is, with all of this fresh energy – a significant wave of heart-centered energy is going to infuse April. As a highly intuitive sign, you’ll both feel this, and be here for it.
With the cosmic currents turned up, you’re reminded to set the pace of your own life Sagittarius. Calming your nervous system with simple tricks like not checking your phone in bed, drinking more water, and stretching – will empower you more than you can imagine. Try it out for a week or two, and notice the difference within your auric field. Not only will you feel much more balanced, you’ll also be able to access clarity and focus that much more easily.
This is supported by Mercury’s move into Taurus on April 3rd. Because this activates your sector of wellness, health and routine, the universe encourages you to refine the elements that make up your day. Thinking of your life as a Lego building, what bricks could you add and subtract in order to stabilize the whole thing? If there are any negative habits that you’ve been meaning to shake off, now is the perfect time to muster up some self-discipline. Your future self will thank you Sag!
On April 6th, a Full Moon in Libra activates your sector of community. Libra is all about balance, so you’re being asked to examine what that means for you within your social (and family) circles. Have you established healthy support networks? How about healthy boundaries? If the answer is yes, celebrate this. If not, you may want to have some loving, open and transparent conversations. Being honest about your needs is always the right thing to do, and being mindful about your language can ensure that feelings are not too hurt. There’s a reminder here to be wary of your sign’s shadow aspects Sagittarius. Are you taking the time to really listen to the feelings of others? That is, trying to step into their shoes, to understand. As a sign that rules the pursuit of truth, this can be a challenging lesson for you.
The second powerful lunar event this month takes place on April 20th, a synchronistic and powerful day that sees the start of Taurus season, as well as an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. Activating your sector of self-empowerment and sharing, this energy could be the glow up you’ve been waiting for Sagittarius. It might be time to (at least consider) putting yourself, or your work out there in a bigger way. New Moons are, of course, all about manifestation… and this one is particularly potent as an eclipse. Be mindful of your thoughts and words around this time Sag – even more so than usual. What you think, you might just manifest.