Key themes: difficult conversations within and without, vulnerability, being there for your loved ones, the power of community, exploring new ideas, protecting your energy, moving out of your comfort zone, finding your voice

Dear Pisces, the month of October begins with an invitation to have the difficult conversations. As Mercury will be transiting Libra in your area of intimacy, collaboration and shared resources, if there’s anything that has been left unsaid, this time will give you the strength and the emotional centeredness to speak up. Intimate matters are easier to approach with logic and rationale during the next two and a half weeks. But also give yourself the space to process. There may be some conversations that only have to happen within. Be there for the internal debate. Commit to hearing what your feelings have to tell you, and trust that they exist for a valid reason.

On the 8th, Venus is entering Virgo, where it will be during the next month, bringing some sweetness into your partnerships. This is a time for vulnerability, to let your guard down and open your heart a bit more when it comes to your besties, lovers and collaborators. You’ll be more attune to what’s going on with your dearest and nearest, and so it will be easier for you to be there for them, and to say the things they need to hear. Don’t forget about yourself in the process, you also need some sweet loving.

Pluto is going direct on the 10th, where it will make its last stretch through Capricorn before heading back into Aquarius in January. You’ve been learning how to become empowered through your groups, how to trust the power of community without the need of having control or having to be at the center; just being part, and knowing your place, your role and what you bring to the whole. You know where your talents are needed, keep cultivating this. You also know when to walk away, keep respecting that.

On the 12th, Mars will enter its home sign of Scorpio, helping us all get deep and serious about the pursuit of our goals. Mars wants you to get clear on your purpose. It wants to expand your vision so you can tap into the potential of your future dreams. Give yourself the chance to explore new spiritual and philosophical pathways. Make room to question your most dearly held beliefs. There’s a deeper wisdom to be touched upon during this time.

Eclipse Season is back, as we welcome the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra becoming exact at 1:55 pm on the 14th. This is an invitation to let healing lead the way. Your magic and your potential are so much greater than your fears and failures. Moving forward despite your pain is so much more powerful than dwelling in the past. This Eclipse shines a light on the ways in which you have learned to combine your energy with another. It also highlights how you have learned to protect your energy, and how you have learned to separate yourself from those that you share yourself with when you realize there is an imbalance that can not be resolved. Keep honoring and cultivating this.

We welcome Scorpio Season, with Mercury entering Scorpio on the 22nd, followed by the Sun on the 23rd. Exploration isn’t always that easy. I think we sometimes underestimate how hard it is to move out of our comfort zone. But going on adventures —physical, emotional, mental, spiritual— takes courage. When we forget to shake things up from time to time we can get stuck in inertia and become cynical. If you recognize yourself here, it’s time to move!

The month of October comes to an end with the second Eclipse of the Season, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, becoming exact at 4:24 pm on the 28th. You are resonant. There is so much potency when you speak from the heart. This Eclipse wants you to communicate your ideas and emotions regardless of how others may receive them. Don’t compare yourself to the rest. There is no certain type of way you have to be but just being yourself. Don’t just regurgitate what you read outhere, find your own voice, your own wisdom. It may be gentle, but I promise that it is so potent as well.