Key themes: your responsibility to the collective, the groups where you feel belonging, working on balancing out your relationship dynamics, bringing more play and pleasure into your daily life, resources that uplift your sense of self-worth.
Dear Pisces, as July swoops in it pulls your focus towards your communities with the Full Moon in Capricorn becoming exact on the 3rd at 7:38 am EST. What kind of depths are you craving within your friendships and networks? It may be time to move closer towards the allies who can hold space for this kind of emotional commitment, the ones that make space to ask and to answer the difficult questions. Your collective responsibilities will become more evident right now. It’s time to own them. It’s time to step into your power when it comes to the causes that you care about.
Mars entering Virgo on the 10th activates and lights up your one-on-one relationships and commitments. If you’ve been meaning to have the talk, this is the time to do it. Let the parts of yourself that get shut down within the relationship dynamics come out. You need to be able to be your true and full self within your partnerships. When you’re honest, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
On the 11th, we have another shift in energy when Mercury moves into Leo in your area of work, home, and health routines, inviting you to bring a bit of fun, play and creativity into your daily rituals. What can help you feel more revitalized throughout your 9 to 5?
As the North Node enters Aries for the next 18 months on the 17th, it will bring your focus to your resources and financial needs. Before going out and looking for the bag, make the time to take an inventory of your sense of self-worth. This may need some tending first, and it can be smart to make a list of people, spaces and things that uplift it. These are the resources you should be getting at first. When you feel abundant within your own body and emotions, when you feel abundant due to the communities you’re a part of, the rest becomes easier to get at.
The Sun enters the passionate sign of Leo on the 22nd, shining a light on your work, and health rituals. Venus goes retrograde on the same day, and will be in backwards motion for the next six weeks, inviting you to review how you relate work to worthiness, and to review your relationship with rest. Get in touch with what makes you worthy beyond your efforts and professional success. Do something to thank yourself for all of your hard work.
On the next day, Chiron goes retrograde in Aries, urging you to pause and to look at how you might be unnecessarily judging and diminishing your self-worth because of your financial status. You are abundant, and it’s time for you to connect with the resources that go beyond money and social status. You have so much within you, and you have your community. Acknowledge your riches. Don’t let late stage capitalism make you feel like you’re not worthy. It’s not you, it’s the system that is broken.
Pluto will find itself right in the middle between the North and South Node on the 23rd, 25th and 28th, urging you to trust your power within your communities. Here Pluto is serving as a link between the past and the future, pointing towards what we need to let go of in order to move forward. Pluto is inviting you to identify where your talents and your unique perspectives are needed. If your group dynamics are suffering from power struggles, it may be your task to bring them to light.
On the 28th, Mercury will enter Virgo, supporting the communication with the ones closest to you. The conversations needed in order to mend the bond within your partnerships will be easier to face and get through during the next four weeks before Mercury goes retrograde.