Key themes: your alliances, expanding your perspectives, remaining true to yourself, trusting what you have to give, revisiting your long-term goals, following your passion and curiosity, healing your sense of self-worth, networking

Dear Pisces,

The month of December begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn on the 1st. The energy of Mercury in Capricorn is all about focus and structure, and in your area of friendship, community and the causes that move you, it’s a beautiful time to make plans with friends and co-conspirators. Reevaluate and reaffirm who gets to be a part of your inner circle. You want and deserve a community that’s empowering.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will enter the depths of Scorpio on the 4th, where it will be until the 29th. This happens in your area of adventure and philosophical pursuits, inviting you to enrich your worldview. Seek out fresh perspectives and connections. Start a conversation with people that catch your eye. Say yes to out-of-the-box invitations. If you feel stuck within your spiritual practice, try something new!

Neptune will go direct on the 6th in Pisces, where you’ve been shedding so many layers that keep your true nature shielded away from the outer world. Check in to see where you are at with all of this, you still have a couple more years of this left to go. Don’t put so much importance on what others think of you or how they perceive you. Stay true to yourself no matter what. You can’t control the outside world, but you do have agency over your own actions, and acting in alignment with your truth is the most healing thing for your body, mind and spirit.

We have the New Moon in Sag on the 12th, at 6:32 pm EST, happening in your area of professional pursuits and long-term goals. This is a reminder to connect to the pleasure of serving from wherever it is that you are on your life path right now. You know where you want to be. Hold that vision. You know what to put aside, what to take out completely, what to stack up on, and how to let go when it’s time. Trust yourself and trust the work that your passion is leading you towards.

On the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde until January 1st, giving the end of 2023 a reflective mood. This time gives you a chance to review your alliances. The first 10 days of this transit will be a time to identify the root of any issues going on within your networks, and to ​​get to the underlying truths about friendship.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st, shining a light on the reflective journey that Mercury retrograde is taking you through. For you the end of the year is always about deepening and strengthening the bonds within your friendships, networks, and communities. Pay closer attention to who is really down for you and the bond you share, and who might be there to drain your resources.

Then on the 23rd Mercury moves back into Sag, connecting you with the things that were going on within your professional life during the last week of November, offering a deeper perspective.

On the 26th, we have the Full Moon in Cancer, becoming exact at 7:33 pm EST, shining a light on romance, the children in your life and your creative self-expression. Become curious. Make more time for leisure, more time to follow your curiosity. Trust what feels fun, trust your hobbies, your passions, your talents. Not everything is about productivity. And not everything that turns out to be productive has a linear or clear path. Allow play to take you places, let go of expectations.

Also on the 26th, Chiron goes direct in Aries in your area of resources and sense of self-worth. Reminding you that money isn’t equal to worth. Don’t wound yourself for not making ends meet. It’s not you, it’s the system. Find your realest rawest worth in the intangible resources, what you hold within that can never be taken away, and your support system that is always there when you need them.

On the 29th, Venus will enter Sag, where it will be for the next 26 days, bringing your charm and your magnetism to its peak. Your professional life will be flowing with greater ease. It’s an ideal time for networking as you’ll be more visible to the ones that can help take your career to the next level. There will be less obstacles in the way when it comes to your passions and ambitions. Take a moment to tap into the fire of your vocation and how it feels in your body. Embody the sweetness of what it means to give of yourself in service of what you believe in.

Jupiter will go direct in Taurus on the 30th, and you’ll be able to share more openly those good vibes you’ve been cultivating. Connect with gratitude and appreciation. Write about it. Speak your mind. Practice the art of listening. So much of your growth and expansion will come from your ability to listen. This is a great energy to close the year and to think about your New Year’s Resolutions.

2023 hasn’t been easy, personally or collectively, and 2024 will be a year of big shifts and revelations with Pluto moving into Aquarius. We are moving towards the world we want to see come true, and even if at times we may feel close to losing hope, we’ll all be creating the kinds of connections and communities where we feel more supported within our personal and collective dreams. Connection is what will create the possibilities that will overshadow the feelings of hopelessness.

As Mercury goes direct in Sag on the first day of 2024, start the year with this mantra “My dreams matter. I tap into their potential. I know it isn’t easy, but I know that I don’t want to live a half life. Going after the things that move me is how I feel comfortable and at home in my inner world, and safe showing up in the outer world”.