Key themes: rest, energetic clearing, soul searching, your relationship to your worthiness and how it’s linked to productivity, taking back you authority, honoring yourself, healing, giving to yourself, getting to know yourself on a deeper level, sharing your passion

Dear Pisces, we kick the month of August off with the Full Moon in Aquarius becoming exact at 2:31 pm EST, on the 1st. This happens in the deepest area of your chart, pulling you inward. This is a chance to do some energetic clearing, soul searching, nap sessions. Rest will renew you in very deep ways around the days of the Full Moon, helping to bring you into balance. Making space to feel into your inner realms will offer you the opportunity to understand the doubts that get in the way of your progress and your feeling good about yourself.

Venus will be retrograde throughout all of the month of August and into the first days of September. This is an event that happens once every 18 months, and brings with it a deeper understanding to what we want from our relationships, how our current relationships are flowing and how open we are to intimacy. This 40 day transit is happening in Leo in your area of work and health practices. This is an opportunity to work on your relationship to your worthiness, and how linked it may be to your productivity. This is a time to take back your authority. Set the intention to take back all of the energy that is placed upon your authority figures and your need for their approval. Find ways to celebrate and honor yourself for all of your efforts and the little success that may go unnoticed.

On the 16th, we have the New Moon in Leo, highlighting this Venus retrograde process. This will be an especially intense Moon, as it will also be conjunct Black Moon Lilith and square Uranus, reminding you of the power that healing holds in your life. Don’t remain in spaces that leave you stuck if you have the chance to make a move. A little joy can go a long way. You are so generous, how much of that generosity is aimed towards yourself? This may be the best time to begin the practice of consistently showing yourself radical care, understanding and kindness.

Welcome Virgo season! This month will shine a light on your partnerships. Remember that in order to commit to another, you have to commit to yourself too. In order to hold space for all of the parts that your lovers, besties and co-conspirators bring —beautiful and messy— you have to have the courage to do that for yourself. This is where true intimacy stems from. The deeper you get to know, love and accept yourself, the more you get to remove the protective walls that have been placed between your heart and the world. These walls may have been necessary once, but some may now be keeping you from the deep, passionate, beautiful kind of love you’re longing for. As Mercury also goes retrograde here in Virgo on the same day, the 23rd, hold space for misunderstandings. Know that it might be nearly impossible to understand each other right now. But this doesn’t mean you won’t, this doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the end. Revisit the conversations once Mercury goes direct.

On the 27th, Mars shifts from Virgo to Libra into your area of intimacy and shared resources. Be prepared to be on fire. You’ll be passionate about sharing and merging with another. About bearing your heart, and exploring each other’s bodies and minds. Your body is your temple, so don’t let yourself feel forced into going faster than what feels comfortable for you. There’s nothing sexier than respecting each other’s pace.

On the next day, Uranus will be going into its yearly retrograde phase for the next 5 months. What are those daily rituals that are helping you feel centered and attuned to yourself? These months will help you find more clarity when it comes to how to prioritize as you juggle all of your to-do’s. Work on respecting your personal rhythm and not taking what is expected from you so seriously.

We end the month of August with the Full Moon in your sign becoming exact at 9:35 pm EST, on the 30th. This is your Moon, and it’s here to remind you that you’re already connected to what you’re seeking. You’re already worthy of it. What you long for is already a part of you. You are where you need to be, and from where you are now you can make that shift that you’re hoping for. There is nothing that you need to wait for in order to take the first step. Trust in yourself.

The north node in Aries and the south node in Libra have been settling into your area of resources and talents and your area of intimacy and shared resources, respectively. Trusting your inner gifts and skills, the abundance you already hold, and your ability to monetize what’s already yours, is what will give you direction these next 18 months. Work on shedding the obstacles that keep you from co-creating with others.