Key themes: vulnerability and intimacy, intentional daily rituals, enjoying yourself regardless of what others want and expect of you, to-do lists, sustainable spending, using your voice, tapping into your inner wisdom
Dear Libra, we may all still be feeling a bit jet lagged from the eclipse season. What hunger have you been left with when it comes to your desire for profound and empowering connections and exchanges? Act on overcoming your fear to go deep and to be vulnerable. This is what will take your current relationships to a whole new level, and help you attract the kind of partnerships you’re yearning for.
November arrives with Saturn shifting to go direct on the 4th in the ethereal sign of Pisces. This is happening in your area of work and health and wellness routines, where for the past months you’ve been reviewing your need to commit to daily practices and rituals that help you remain centered and balanced throughout your day-to-day. How do you want to show up for yourself, for your body, for your health, for your life, for your vocation and your service? How can you help yourself be less burnt out?
On the 8th, Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will leave Virgo to enter your sign where it feels at home, and where it will be until December 4th. You’ve been touching the depths of what it means for you to share yourself with another. A weight will be lifted. What you’ve been seeing and shedding and letting go of, will now allow you to feel so much more at ease in your own skin. Enjoy yourself. Indulge in beauty, in sweetness, in pleasurable experiences. Don’t feel shame for giving yourself what you need, even if that means not giving as much time to others as they’re used to. Trust your desires, and take good care of your needs.
On the 10th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication and Exchange, will enter the wisdom-seeking sign of Sag, where it will be until December 1st. This happens in your area of communication and daily rituals, and things will begin to speed up for you. Don’t allow for all of the noise and chaos of daily life to steal your focus, and your ability to prioritize and to remain in connection with your inner world. Make daily lists that can help guide you throughout your day, this can help if you begin to get lost in all the chatter. If you find yourself getting too lost in your mind or giving into self-doubt; move, act, don’t let yourself get stuck there for too long.
The New Moon in Scorpio is happening on the 13th, exact at 4:27 am EST, in your area of resources and self-worth, emphasizing the energy you’ve been swimming in since Scorpio Season began on October 23rd. What has been shifting and what reflections have you been roaming around in when it comes to your material security and the ways in which you make a living and support yourself and your family? There’s something especially empowering and transformative for you when it comes to making money and materializing your talents. Allow yourself to slow down and to tap into the things that have the ability to bring sustainable wellbeing into your life.
On the 22nd, we move into Sag Season, as the Sun shifts into the sign of the Centaur, in the area of your life that has to do with exchange, communication and daily life. Remember the power of your words and the power of your presence. Keep refining this. Remember that for your needs to be met it’s important that you communicate. Remember that for your relations to work it’s important for you to be present, and to listen. Stop saying it’s ok when it’s not. Stop saying yes when you mean no. Stop remaining silent when your voice is needed. On the 24th, Mars moves in the sign of Sag as well, where it will be until January 4th, helping you to bypass your fears and come into your confidence.
The Full Moon in Gemini is happening on the 27th, exact at 4:16 am EST, in your area of adventure, expansion and philosophical pursuits. Remain on the lookout for the messages that serve as reminders that you are not trapped in a life of little excitement. Don’t let life’s burdens drown out your intuitive wisdom. Find ways to fuel your connection to your inner sage. It knows the way towards the life you aim for.
I’ll leave you with a poem from Nayyirah Waheed that says: “when i am afraid to speak is when i speak. that is when it is most important”