Key Themes: freeing your self-expression, allowing yourself more pleasurable moments, going after what you know you want and deserve, knowing who to trust and letting your guard down with them
Dear Libra, this is a year of transition, with the eclipses having shifted signs, and Pluto going in and out of Aquarius until it finally settles there for the next 20 years at the beginning for 2024. The month of May begins with Pluto going retrograde on the 1st for the next 5 months, where it will begin to make its way back into Capricorn. Before it moves back into the sign of the sea goat for the last time in our lifetime, tap into the ways you feel your self-expression is transforming, shifting and opening up. What do you want to say? How do you want to say it? Who needs to hear it?
We are in the midst of eclipse season, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio happening on May 5th in your area of resources, pleasure and self-worth. If you’re suddenly going through a harder time financially, or for some reason you’re feeling scared about your material security, know that these moments help you to dig deeper into your inner resources, those that this capitalist system will never be able to co-opt. Connect with the little things that offer you pleasure, and that offer you a sense of abundance that goes beyond financial wealth. Try not to numb yourself. Connect to the things that nourish your soul.
Venus has been in the sign of play, communication and interconnection for the past 4 weeks, and on May 7th it will shift into the nurturing sign of Cancer, where it’ll have us yearning for the people and the places that feel like home for the following 4 weeks. Happening in your area of professional pursuits, Venus will lead you towards the career opportunities that feel right for your soul. Does your current life path make space for your intuition and your emotional intelligence? You want human connection and you want to make an impact with what you do with your time and efforts. This transit through Venus is here to help you redirect towards these needs in your professional life.
Mercury will finally go direct on the 14th, after taking you through a review during the past 3 weeks of your patience, and how you communicate the things that affect you. Now as it goes direct in the sign of Taurus, it’s important that you’re clear about how you communicate yourself, especially when it comes to negotiations or when money is involved. It’ll also be a good time to practice clear communication within your intimate relationships, and to allow yourself to be vulnerable in the spaces where you can feel safe. Breathe deep when you feel a reaction coming, and choose your words wisely.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is entering Taurus, the sign of earthly pleasure, on the 16th, and the first thing it does once it gets there is have a tense meet up with Pluto in Aquarius. This transit will serve as a reminder that our lack of wealth has nothing to do with us personally. It’s past time we stop buying to the manifestation discourse. It’s past time we realize that we’re living in a system that’s rigged to make it impossible for all to succeed or even make a dignified living. So know that your worth has absolutely nothing to do with your financial sustenance or your social status. You are worthy just as you are, dear Libra.
For you, this year to come will expand on your sensual, sexual and intimate interactions. This will be a time to make space for vulnerability. To let yourself go with the ones that can hold space for all that you have within you to give. And even with yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to let ourselves be even when we’re just by ourselves. Explore your pleasure, explore going deep, explore letting go.
On the 20th, the Sun moves out of Taurus making way for Gemini Season. This is the season that reminds us of the power of our words and our interactions. So don’t underestimate what you communicate, to others and also to yourself. This time of year tends to bring with it a strong urge for you to expand your horizons and seek out new experiences. You’ll be drawn to exploring new philosophies, learning new skills, or pursuing new knowledge. Indulge this curiosity, but remember to not only look for it on the outside. You hold a well of knowledge within.