The Lunar New Year happens on the 1st, marked by the first Aquarius New Moon of the year. The Ox gives way to the Tiger. Where we’ve had to put all of our focus into only one direction, things will expand. The Tiger wants us to follow our intuition and take bold risks. Libra, the New Moon will happen in your area of self-expression, reminding you about the things that truly make you happy. Make more time for them! Mercury finally goes direct on the 3rd, and you can get more in tune with what offers you emotional security. It then enters Aquarius on the 14th, and you’ll be able to express yourself more freely and authentically. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16th, wants you to connect with your network and to the possibilities available in teamwork. Venus and Mars join forces in your area of home and family, activating your desire to bring more pleasure into this area of your life. Come Pisces Season on the 18th, the Sun will shine a light on your need for healthy routines and self-care.