Key themes: plans for the home, material security, worldly delights, worthiness, creating healthy habits, communication and the power of your words, roots and lineage, long-term goals and aspirations, healing old wounds, co-creation
Dear Libra,
The month of December begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn on the 1st, offering you the focus to take action towards the structures you want to create within your home. You’ll have the mental clarity to face any important or pending conversations with family members or the ones you share your intimate space with.
Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will enter the depths of Scorpio on the 4th, where it will be until the 29th. This happens in your area of resources and self-worth, inviting you to heal any limiting beliefs that you hold when it comes to your value and your security. Venus wants to bring material blessings, and it wants to help you release any shame that surrounds your ideas of how much you deserve. This will also come up in your intimate relationships, and you’ll be more sensitive to how much your worth is recognized and valued. Stay where you are seen and appreciated.
Neptune will go direct on the 6th in Pisces, where it has been allowing you to come into a deeper relationship with your body, and understand how your work routines and daily structures impact it. Check in to see where your boundaries are at when it comes to how you respect your body, your health, and the routines that structure your day. Check in to see where you’d like to be with all of this. Be soft, careful and loving with the realizations and with the shifts. Letting go of habits and creating a healthier lifestyle is never as simple as it seems.
We have the New Moon in Sag on the 12th, at 6:32 pm EST, happening in your area of communication and daily activities. Remember the power of your words. Remember the power available in the simple act of listening to another. Remember how powerful it can be to truly listen to yourself and your needs. Remember how powerful it is to communicate your needs once you’ve acknowledged them.
On the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde until January 1st, giving the end of 2023 a reflective mood. Check in on your ancestral stories, traditions, sorrows and joys, the things that inform you of your sense of rootedness. You want to feel secure within your home, and within your body and your foundations. The first 10 days of this transit will be about really understanding what you need in order to feel this kind of safety.
We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st, shining a light on the reflective journey that Mercury retrograde is taking you through. For you the end of the year is always about home and family. About renewing your stories of not belonging. About reclaiming your roots.
Then on the 23rd Mercury moves back into Sag, connecting you with whatever was going on around the last week of November involving your communications and daily interactions, offering a deeper perspective.
On the 26th, we have the Full Moon in Cancer, becoming exact at 7:33 pm EST, shining a light on professional aspirations and long-term goals. Check in on your career path. Where are you at? How did you get here? In which direction do you wish to keep directing your efforts? How can you make the most out of your efforts? Take a chance on yourself and your dreams.
Also on the 26th, Chiron goes direct in Aries in your area of partnership and intimate connections. I know about the wounds that have been coming up for you within your relationships, I know it hasn’t been easy. But I also know that even if you aren’t able to see it right now, you’re healing so profoundly, and you are coming to understand what drives your urge to come together with another.
On the 29th, Venus will enter Sag, where it will be for the next 26 days, and you’ll be feeling extra flirty. Your compliments will be real gifts for others, so don’t hold back. Those sweet words of yours will go deep and have the ability to uplift the ones they’re directed to. You’ll be more sensitive to where there’s too much politeness and where words are disingenuous, steer clear from these environments, and don’t get too caught up in these interactions.
Jupiter will go direct in Taurus on the 30th, awakening your generative nature. Open up to collaboration, co-creation and receiving support from your partners. This is a great energy to close the year and to think about your New Year’s Resolutions.
2023 hasn’t been easy, personally or collectively, and 2024 will be a year of big shifts and revelations with Pluto moving into Aquarius. We are moving towards the world we want to see come true, and even if at times we may feel close to losing hope, we’ll all be creating the kinds of connections and communities where we feel more supported within our personal and collective dreams. Connection is what will create the possibilities that will overshadow the feelings of hopelessness.
As Mercury goes direct in Sag on the first day of 2024, start the year with this mantra “I see the abundance available even in the most mundane experiences. I remain flexible and allow my mind to roam free. I don’t control or define, I make space to explore and for life to surprise me”.