Key themes: indulge in creativity, pleasure and play, reach out to old friends, set boundaries that protect your energy levels, well needed and deserved rest, standing your ground, go where you’re valued, take control of your daily life

Dear Libra, we kick the month of August off with the Full Moon in Aquarius becoming exact at 2:31 pm EST, on the 1st. This happens in your area of creative self-expression, fun and romance, giving you many reasons to indulge. Don’t ask yourself if you’ve earned a break. Know that you have, know that you deserve to let loose. No matter where you are in the process of your creative projects, please don’t fixate on what you have yet to accomplish. Instead acknowledge the quality of what’s shined through you so far. Look into the structures that support your leisure time, rearrange and strengthen where needed. Plan your play time, set boundaries around it. Protect your need for fun, pleasure and relaxation.

Venus will be retrograde throughout all of the month of August and into the first days of September. This is an event that happens once every 18 months, and brings with it a deeper understanding to what we want from our relationships, how our current relationships are flowing and how open we are to intimacy. This 40 day transit is happening in Leo in your area of friendships, community and causes that move you. If you’re thinking about old friends and relations, reach out. Connect with the one you used to be, what have you forgotten about yourself that you would like to recover? Don’t say yes to every invite. If you’re feeling introverted, honor that. A firm ‘no’ can prove to be a very self-loving practice.

On the 16th, we have the New Moon in Leo, highlighting this Venus retrograde process. This will be an especially intense Moon, as it will also be conjunct Black Moon Lilith and square Uranus. How can you honor yourself and your needs while honoring the needs of your people? How do you give space when needed? And how do you honor your boundaries when you’re not being taken into account. There may be some uncomfortable revelations coming through when it comes to your friends and community, and you may be faced with a decision of how to better deal with this depending on how it affects the relationship and you personally.

Welcome Virgo season! This is always a time of closure for you. What can recharge you this month are cat-naps, cozying up with a movie, bubble baths, retreating, giving yourself more alone time, paying attention to your dreams, allowing space for your emotions to flow through you, identifying where there’s pain. Mercury also goes retrograde here in Virgo on the same day, the 23rd, so don’t try to juggle too many things at the same time. Know when to say no and when to delegate.

On the 27th, Mars shifts from Virgo to your sign, inviting you to stand your ground. Asserting yourself isn’t really your strong suit, but Mars is here to help, and it’s here to remind you that you don’t have to be perfect at it. You’re the master of balance, and you can face self-assertion as a balance act. When you shift a bit from the center, you can come right back, and again and again, and the more you persist, the more in alignment you’ll be. You don’t have to follow others’ ideas for bravery. Find your own.

On the next day, Uranus will be going into its yearly retrograde phase for the next 5 months. Pay attention to the collaborations you’re being invited to be a part of. What are your reasons for accepting or rejecting them? Pay attention to your current collaborations and energy exchanges. Is there anything that feels off, or any unaddressed power struggles? This will be a good time to bring more clarity to the things that feel out of balance, especially if you feel you’re being talked advantage of or not given the value you deserve. In which spaces of your life do you feel like you’re given the value you know you deserve?

We end the month of August with the Full Moon in the sign of Pisces becoming exact at 9:35 pm EST, on the 30th. This happens in your area of work, health and day-to-day routines. This Moon is here to remind you that the tiniest of choices you make within a day and reorient your whole schedule, and even affect your long-term goals. It’s shining a light on what works for you and what doesn’t, what allows you to flow and what adds stress. Tap into that intuition.

The north node in Aries and the south node in Libra have been settling into your area of partnerships and your area of self-discovery, respectively. These next 18 months will be crucial for you. You’re letting go of so much of what you identify with. Make space to play around with your looks, explore new activities that you’re feeling called towards. Your energy levels may decrease at times, and when they do, instead of pressuring yourself to do more, allow yourself as much rest as you can get.