Key themes: stepping into your power, green lights, wider perspectives, exploring the unseen, your broader impact

Dear Leo, following the tumultuous eclipse season you’ve just traversed, November will bring you a fresh wave of energy. Wherever you’re at; recovering or just chilling… this month offers gifts of emotional catharsis, play, and an invitation into even more empowerment.

The month kicks off with asteroid Vesta beginning its retrograde through Cancer (November 2nd). Vesta reflects the sacred feminine fire within us (regardless of gender) which maternally yet ferociously, protects and defends. With this transit, you may find yourself increasingly called to stand up for what you believe in: to become a warrior and protector of those who are unable to speak for themselves. This could simply mean offering loving intention towards unfolding global events, or extending more to the vulnerable in your own life. Regardless, this retrograde (here until February 2024), encourages you to rise up in power and strength – yet with equal parts softness, and grace. Vesta reminds us that it’s not enough to rely on anger or passion when it comes to having a positive impact on the world, but rather about keeping our actions and words rooted in Love.

Saturn goes direct in Pisces on November 4th, and a weight will feel as though it’s been lifted lovely Leo. Because this transit moves through your sector of transformation, you’ll notice a sense of closure coming through. Take a look back on the themes that arose and continued through from June of this year – specifically any challenges and obstacles which arose… because these might just start to shift. This may arise as clarity, momentum, direct solutions, or major green lights. Love this for you.

On November 8th, Venus will enter Libra (one of its home signs). Here, the world feels more playful, less sticky and far less serious. Activating your sector of mental health, you’re reminded not to sweat the small stuff, while also invited to try on a broader (Libra energy) lens. It could be a valuable time to play with the thought experiment: what would life be like if I took things 10% less personally?

On November 13th, we have a penetrative New Moon unfolding in Scorpio. Scorpio energy is known for shedding a light on the unseen, and with this energy activating your emotional realms, you’ll be able to see your inner world with far more clarity than usual. Naturally, this will be a wonderful time for journaling, video diaries, therapy – and just generally getting to the bottom of the barrel in terms of your needs, desires and fears. New Moons are always potent times for manifestation, so bring extra awareness to what you’re surrounding yourself with (or accepting for yourself), and the energies you’re inviting into your future.

The Sun shifts from Scorpio, into Sagittarius on November 22nd, with Mars following suit on November 24th. We’re officially in Sagittarius season! This is one of the most playful solar seasons of the year, which for you Leo, appropriately activates your sector of play, romance and pleasure.

With Ceres (the asteroid of nurturing) also entering Sagittarius on November 25th, you’re invited to have a love affair with yourself Leo. Treat yourself as if you were your own crush and spoil yourself with flowers, adventures, bubble baths, and/or anything else that fills your cup. This transit invites you to consciously nurture your own appreciation of who you are, to invest in a journey of self-discovery, and embrace your uniqueness. You deserve all this and more!

On November 27th we wrap up with a Full Moon in Gemini. Activating your sphere of community and belonging, this moon connects you to more global and collective events. It’ll be a powerful time to reflect on the energy you bring to the world. What color is it? Does it carry shades of conflict, division or apathy? Or is it the opposite of love, forgiveness and compassion? If there were ever a time that your intentions, words, and thoughts were amplified in their energetic impact on the world, it would be now.