Leo, we kick December off with Neptune going direct, inviting you to become more sensitive, intimate and vulnerable. Then the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sag on the 4th, asks you to recommit to your creative spark. What lights your fire? A project? Your lover? Your child? Put your heart towards that. There’s a lot going on this month, on the 13th Mars enters Sag, pulling your focus towards your passion, and Mercury enters Capricorn, helping you bring more order to your daily routine. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th is an invitation to see yourself within your community and to allow yourself the experience of solidarity. Venus goes retrograde the next day, launching a time of deep soul-searching regarding how you take on responsibility. The last Saturn/Uranus clash of 2021 happens on Christmas Eve. If you’re committed to something, but aren’t feeling it… it’s time for a change!

I say no to the things and the people that extinguish my creative fire. I let myself pick favorites, because I want to put my energy where my passion is. I acknowledge my gifts and I share them with the ones that appreciate what I have to give.