Key Themes: career, letting go, home life, inner beauty, play, creativity

Gemini, the month of September invites you to slow your mind and connect with the beauty all within you and around you. While this month’s astrology highlights domestic responsibilities and culminations in Gemini’s career sector, they also facilitate beautiful opportunities to restore your nervous system with love and creativity.

The month kicks off with Venus entering earthy Virgo on September 4th, activating Gemini’s sector of home and family until September 29th. Gemini, this Venus transit challenges you to use Virgo’s pragmatic realism and attention to detail for recognizing opportunities for restoration and recovery in your private sector. With Venus in Virgo, you may feel an increased responsibility to help your family members and improve your domestic environment

On September 9th, your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde in diplomatic Libra, a fellow air sign, activating Gemini’s sector of self-expression and creativity until September 23rd. At this point, Mercury will retrograde back into analytical Virgo as it re-enters Gemini’s domestic sector. Your mission with this Mercury retrograde period until October 2nd is to review the personal myth you inherited from your family and reassess how the story you tell shapes your ability to express yourself creatively. During Mercury retrograde, make an intention to slow down enough to appreciate the beauty within you and around you, and witness how it reverberates calm within your mind.

The mystical Full Moon in dreamy Pisces on September 10th has the potential to heighten emotional sensitivities in Gemini’s sector of career and reputation. With this Full Moon, a sense of culmination or disillusionment related to your career and societal roles may rise to the surface. While your curious mind may be scattered across diverse paths wondering “what’s next?”, use the healing waters of this Full Moon to help you let go and make space for your next chapter, Gemini. As this Full Moon conjoins Neptune, the planet of Illusion & Imagination, this Full Moon reminds you that, regardless of your titles, you are a channel for divine inspiration to flow through.

On September 22nd, the Sun enters graceful Libra, enhancing life force energy in Gemini’s sector of self-expression and creativity until October 23rd. Welcome to Libra season and the Fall Equinox is the Northern Hemisphere! Just as nature displays an orchestra of beauty with its changing leaves and colours in parts of the world at this time, Libra season invites you to harmonize yourself with creative activities that express how beautiful you are from the inside out.

The New Moon in Libra on September 25th sets the tone for the next four weeks and provides serene winds of renewal in Gemini’s sector of self-expression and creativity. At the same time, this New Moon makes a tense opposition to Jupiter in fiery Aries, challenging you to balance your engagements with others by courageously envisioning your personal goals and future direction.

Venus’ entrance in its home sign of Libra on September 29th catalyzes the New Moon’s energy by enhancing elements of love and beauty in Gemini’s sector of self-expression and creativity. Until October 23rd, Venus in Libra is a beautiful time for prioritizing activities that facilitates a sense of calm, joy, and pleasure. As Venus in Libra emphasizes your sociable charm, be receptive to falling in love, having friendly encounters and allowing playful spontaneity to restore your nervous system.