Key themes: Changes, home and family, plot twists, remaining unbothered, connecting with the universe, career green lights

Gemini as a mutable sign, Eclipse Season will probably just feel interesting for you. October will be a month of course correcting, opportunities or just smooth sailing.

On October 4th, your planetary ruler (Mercury) enters Libra, activating one of the most social transits of the whole year for you. It’ll be a wonderful time to tune into lightness, humor and play. If you’ve been considering dating, now may be the time… as you’ll notice, a new wave of confidence and empowerment is coming through, particularly when it comes to the ways that you share your truth.

Four days later (October 8th), Venus will enter Virgo after a long stint in Leo, shifting your focus to themes of home, family, and belonging. All of those words mean different things to each of us – and over the next few weeks, you’re encouraged to think about how you define them.

How deeply do you feel rooted in a sense of belonging? How safe do you feel to share and be vulnerable with your emotions? How nurtured do you feel by yourself and/or those around you?

On October 10th, Pluto going direct in Capricorn activates your sector transformation, so don’t be surprised if a plot twist comes through. This transit may just be here to remind you that things are not always as they seem.

And speaking of shadowy layers, just a couple of days later, Mars enters Scorpio (October 12th). This transit means the way we move through the world suddenly takes on a deeper and more penetrative turn. Mars in Scorpio can have us all collectively feeling a little more impulsive, reckless and easily triggered. Remember not to take anything too personally around this time and trust that you’ll be granted the same grace.

Our annual Solar Eclipse in Libra unfolds on October 14th, bringing you a wave of play, lightness and revelation. Any new moon marks a new cycle, but with an eclipse portal you’re particularly encouraged to plant seeds of intention regarding your desires for the next six months.

On October 23rd, the sun shifts sign and we officially enter Scorpio season. Gemini, this transformative season activates your sector of well-being, routine and wellness – meaning it’ll be clearer than ever what does (or does not) serve you. You’re being given an extra nudge from the universe to adjust your life accordingly.

After all, this month is all about transformation and change, and you’ll feel this leading up to the Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus. This is one of the most powerful full moons of the year, for you particularly so, as it activates your sector of spiritual connection and higher meaning. If you feel so inclined: create space, light a candle, slow life down, and just be with the cosmos. Tune into your place in this vast infinite universe, the way you’re carried, and the magic that pulls you and guides you forward.

Speaking of magic, it may feel as though it’s turned back on when (November 4th) Saturn goes direct in Pisces, activating your sector of career and finance. Gemini, if you’ve been facing obstacles or closed doors, know that this may start to let up around now. New opportunities, conversations and synchronicities are going to guide you into creating the career and life of your dreams.