Key Themes: Communication, mindset, personality, future goals, emotional health
Gemini, the month of May invites you to review the story you tell yourself as your mindset attracts your outer reality.
Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, enters fiery Aries on May 2nd, activating Gemini’s sector of friendships and future goals until May 28th. You’ve been marveling at the possibilities before you and Venus in Aries motivates you to get clear on what you truly want. By doing so, you’ll be better positioned to attract people who reflect your goals. People who can help you advance and inspire you to surpass your comfort zones may enter your life during this time. Opportunities to expand on this level will grow as Jupiter, the Planet of Luck and Abundance, enters Aries from May 10th until October 28th.
On May 10th, your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde until June 3rd — consider it a blessing in this fast-paced world. For the next 2 weeks, the Planet of Communication will retrograde in Gemini, highlighting your sector of personality. Since Mercury is at home in your sign, this transit is powerful for reviewing your mindset and communication patterns. Beware of gossiping and unconsciously reacting, instead, be willing to respond mindfully and focus your mind on what matters. Mercury retrograde welcomes you to rewire your thoughts so they match who you are becoming, Gemini.
Mercury retrogrades into earthy Taurus on May 22nd, highlighting Gemini’s sector of spirituality until June 13th. If you’ve been feeling scattered, this transit compels you to slow down your mental activity and quiet the outside noise with grounding practices to make sure your outward personality supports who you want to be.
The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio strikes on May 16th at 12:14am, illuminating Gemini’s sector of health, wellness, and service. This Full Moon Eclipse highlights the connection between your health and emotional wellbeing; providing a powerful opportunity to heal and integrate repressed sexual and psychological energy.
Come Gemini season from May 20th to June 21st, you’ll be right in your element. Happy birthday Gemini! Gemini season is ripe for initiating who you are becoming in the real world. As the natural social butterfly that you are, the Gemini Sun welcomes you to vitalize your outer expression in ways that support your inner needs.
Actions speak louder than words, Gemini. Along with Venus and Jupiter, Mars in Aries, from May 24th to July 4th, inspires you to follow through with action if you haven’t already. Whether it’s joining a network of like-minded people, initiating new friendships, experimenting with technology to advance your career, or learning about a topic that inspires you; it’s time to go for it!
The work you’ve been doing all month coalesces with the New Moon in Gemini on May 30th. Gemini, you are gifted with words, and this New Moon is a great time to work your magic by crystallizing your intentions with empowering affirmations. Maximize this portal by repeating these affirmations for the following 10 days.