Key Themes: spiritual grounding, nourishment, core values, sovereignty, friendships

Gemini, the month of July calls for prioritizing wholesome restoration and shining the spotlight on your words. Activities such as cuddling, beach days, earthing, cooking, crying, singing, writing, and spending time with people that like home may be particularly lavishing throughout the entire month of July.

On July 5th, Mars enters earthy Taurus, activating Gemini’s sector of spirituality until August 20th. Mars in Taurus invites you to connect to your body’s primal wisdom and direct your actions towards a sense of spiritual grounding. On the same day, Mercury enters sensitive Cancer, directing your thought process to matters of safety and security as it highlights Gemini’s sector of money and self-esteem until July 19th. Together, Mars in Taurus and Mercury in Cancer welcome a slower pace for focusing on what nourishes you. 

The lunar cycle peaks on July 13th with the Full Moon in sober Capricorn, illuminating Gemini’s sector of death, sex, and shared resources. Emotional issues regarding deep commitments as well as attachments to ambition, power, finances, and possessions may surface during this Full Moon, perhaps in relation to family, inheritance and legacy.

Venus enters nurturing Cancer on July 17th and, as the Planet of Love activates your sector of money and self-esteem, it’s a great time to consider the intuitive, sensitive parts of you as important assets until August 11th. Your mission with Venus in Cancer is to reflect on what helps you feel safe to love, accept, and trust against all odds, and to make this a part of your core value system, Gemini.

The circuits of the mind and communication take an expansive spin as your ruling planet Mercury enters fiery Leo on July 19th through August 3rd, lighting up Gemini’s sector of communication and learning. Mercury in Leo excites your natural wittiness by encouraging you to express yourself more boldly and creatively. 

Retrograde season continues as Chiron in assertive Aries begins a 6-month retrograde on July 19th through December 23rd. As the wisdom of the Wounded Healer turns inwards, become aware of the ways in which your sense of aliveness may be wounded in your sector of friendships and future goals, Gemini.

On July 22nd, the Sun enters charismatic Leo, lighting Gemini’s sector of communication and learning until August 22nd. Welcome to Leo season! With the New Moon in Leo on July 28th, the whispers of your Inner Royalty call for your attention and set the tone for the next four weeks. Your mission with this lunar cycle, along with Mercury in Leo, is to see your mind as sovereign and to know deep within your heart that you are worthy of being seen and heard, as is everyone else, Gemini.

As Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde on July 28th through November 23rd, the Planet of Expansion compels you to realign your belief system with a courageous receptivity to opportunity in Gemini’s sector of friendships and future goals. The month ends with Uranus conjoining with the North Node in Taurus on July 31st, sending lightning bolts of awakening for your soul’s evolutionary path in Gemini’s sector of spirituality and healing.