Gemini, the month of April invites you to marvel at the opportunities that lie ahead. The first New Moon of the astrological year strikes on April 1st in fiery Aries, which activates Gemini’s sector of technology and friendships. Not only does this New Moon conjoin with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, but it also pairs up with Mercury, the Planet of Communication which is the ruler of your chart.
The entire month of April is ripe for visualizing your ideal future and attracting groups, allies, and networks. Consider who you want to be and what you want to learn in the next month, 6-months, and beyond, and align yourself with people who represent these qualities. April 1 – 16th is a powerful portal for writing your intentions. Use the intensity of Aries season to get clear and honest with yourself and those around you.
You are a social butterfly, so this may feel very exciting for you. However, be aware of being impatient, impulsive, or confused when putting this into motion. Your mission with this transit is to honor your true desires and make sure your goals are based on concrete self-knowledge; otherwise, it may quickly fizzle out and backfire. Likewise, be aware of acting unconsciously from anger or fear, especially in your communicative interactions. Instead of feeding into drama, channel this energy proactively towards the manifestation of your goals, Gemini.
You may, for instance, choose to surround yourself with people who support your freedom and independence, invigorate your willpower, and motivate you to get outside your comfort zone. You, yourself, may be called to support causes that help underprivileged folks claim their power. In this case, technology is your ally, for the options to connect with like-minded humans on the Internet are endless.
Whatever it is that you choose, trust your instincts and open yourself to new possibilities.
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th incites you to be less in your head and more in your heart. This transit activates Gemini’s sector of career and reputation, so you may have recently achieved a longstanding goal or experienced a loss; wondering “what’s next?” If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with information or confused about which path to take, follow the wisdom of your heart. It may also serve you to take breaks from social media from time to time.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 16th activates Gemini’s sector of creativity and self-expression, and reminds you that you belong simply for being human. Your mission with this transit is to be true to yourself because this is how you will authentically attract a community that appreciates you for who you are. Take a break from being future-focused; let your inner child out to play and enjoy the moment with your most cherished relationships.
Come Taurus season on April 19th, you will be called to simply your motivations and quiet the outside noise with grounding practices. The Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus on April 30th activates Gemini’s sector of spirituality. By the end of this month, you will be letting go of what stands between the embodiment of you are becoming.