Capricorn, the New Moon is happening on Wednesday in your area of communication. But before it does, Mercury and Saturn meet in Aquarius, your self-worth may be kind of wobbly due to financial worries. Instead of wasting time stressing, put your energy into researching new money-making ideas. The New Moon in Pisces is inviting you to have sweet and heart-centered conversations. Attune yourself to the kindness that is available in your day-to-day. On Thursday, Mars and Venus both join Pluto in your sign, aligning you with your power of creation, and of destruction. So, be extra conscious of how you use your power. The Sun joins Jupiter on Saturday, and it’s a nice time to blog, podcast, tweet. Find any channel for your inspirational musings to flow through. Mars and Venus then enter Aquarius and come into an exact union for the third time on Sunday. Shining a light on your need for freedom and individuality with your resources.