Key themes: owning your authority, speaking up and being more present in your professional life, trusting your intuition, taking up space, networking, getting real about your role in the world, community, the causes that move you, creativity and playfulness
Dear Capricorn, the month of October begins by offering you the invitation to trust your own authority. Disrupt what no longer serves. Take a step back, and think about the kind of projects you truly want to be involved in, and the kind of change you wish to make through them. As Mercury, the planet of communication, will be transiting the balance loving sign Libra in the area of your professional life, this will be a great time for negotiations and team-building, as you’ll hold a greater ability to find the balance between your needs and that of others when it comes to your work and your projects.
On the 8th, Venus is entering Virgo, where it will be during the next month, bringing some sweetness into your philosophical journeys. Humble yourself. Become a student of life. Remember that every single thing in life has the ability to teach you something new. Get curious about the people that come into your life just at the right time. Practice trusting the timing of things, and holding space for awe. Wherever your intuition gravitates towards, follow.
Pluto is going direct on the 10th, where it will make its last stretch through your sign before heading back into Aquarius in January. These last 15 years of Pluto transiting Capricorn have been especially intense for you, as it has been transforming you on a deeply personal level. How have you learned to trust yourself to take up space in the world, especially when it feels uncomfortable? How have you learned to embody your potency?
On the 12th, Mars will enter its home sign of Scorpio, helping us all get deep and serious about the pursuit of our goals. Your connections will have a more powerful impact during this time. Your groups and the meetings that take place will have an extra ability to move you towards the direction of your dreams. This is a great time for some networking. Reach out to those folks that you wish to work, collaborate or co-create with.
Eclipse Season is back, as we welcome the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra becoming exact at 1:55 pm on the 14th. A deeper need will be revealed when it comes to a business venture, a collaboration, or the position you occupy in your professional life. This is a good time to ask yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. It may be time to become more selective when it comes to who you exchange your creative energy with. With this Eclipse may come recognition, make sure you’re recognizing yourself for all that you do. Be mindful of what is developing within your career. What you plant here now will have a tremendous impact on your future projects.
We welcome Scorpio Season, with Mercury entering Scorpio on the 22nd, followed by the Sun on the 23rd. This is a time to check in on how you show up for your community. Your friendships, your groups and the causes you share is what will move you and also challenge you this season. Make sure not to move with inercia. Your dynamics with friends and colleagues may be in need of some adjustment. Remain super aware of any tensions that arise and how you’re showing up for them.
The month of October comes to an end with the second Eclipse of the Season, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, becoming exact at 4:24 pm on the 28th. Creativity isn’t a means to an end, it’s its own gift, a journey in itself. This Eclipse wants you to tap into the timing and the tempo of your own expression and creative flow. What you’ve got to give is one of a kind. Get to know it in order to unlock its fullest potential. Work on cultivating the tenderness and the passion to learn from your own process. Tapping into your joy and playfulness can be such a very healing thing to do right now.