Key themes: journey of self-discovery, cultivating space for togetherness, rest and renewal, heart-felt conversations, healing old wounds, leisure time, connection with your inner child

Dear Capricorn,

The month of December begins with Mercury moving into your sign on the 1st. This will be a great time for your personal goals, as you’ll have just the right words to describe and jot down your long-term plans. This time will help bring focus and structure to your journey of self-discovery, allowing you to get closer to who you truly are. Trust yourself, trust your decisions, and go forward with what you want.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will enter the depths of Scorpio on the 4th, where it will be until the 29th. This happens in your area of networks and the causes that move you. This is a time for sweetness, a time to get closer to the communities that nourish your soul. You’ll be able to see where you or your friends are misusing your power within the group dynamics. Instead of voicing this, try and cultivate the space to bond over what brings you together, what really matters, what really connects you. This kind of Venus magic can sometimes be more transformative than calling each other out.

Neptune will go direct on the 6th in Pisces, where the boundaries that hold your perspectives and ideas have been breaking apart. It’s like when you get to one idea, it breaks apart to let more expansive points of view in, and the same goes for your daily life rituals. It’s been hard to hold things in place, and there are still a couple more years of this left to go. You’re being invited to flow, to be present with your surroundings.

We have the New Moon in Sag on the 12th, at 6:32 pm EST, happening in the deepest area of your chart. This is an invitation to connect with your inner realm. This is a time for rest and renewal. The most healing thing you can do right now is give yourself some alone time, slow down, and turn off all screens for a while. Make a ritual out of resetting your body, mind and spirit. Make a ritual out of taking a day off to let go, release, and make space for your feelings to be felt.

On the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde until January 1st, giving the end of 2023 a reflective mood. This time gives you a chance to review where you’re at within your journey of self-discovery. Who are you becoming right now? Who do you wish to become? The first 10 days of this transit will be a time to get deep with the details of your plans for the year to come.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st, shining a light on the reflective journey that Mercury retrograde is taking you through. For you the end of the year is always about who you are, your identity and sense of self. Trust your structure and know that you are worthy of freedom. Give yourself more room to move and roam free. This is a time for renewal. Don’t try to force things. Allow for the process to occur.

Then on the 23rd Mercury moves back into Sag, connecting you with the things that were going on during the last week of November in regards to your mental and emotional health, offering a deeper perspective.

On the 26th, we have the Full Moon in Cancer, becoming exact at 7:33 pm EST, shining a light on your partnerships, one-on-one relationships and commitments. Have the heart-to-heart. Bring your vulnerability. Let things be extra within your closest relationships. Start all over again if you have to. Be there for all of the emotions that come up. Be there for the healing that wants to occur. Your partners need your presence.

Also on the 26th, Chiron goes direct in Aries in your area of home, family and ancestry. Remember that there is so much medicine available in tracing back those childhood and ancestral wounds that keep causing you pain. It’s not about making it go away, it’s about being able to hold it and to use it as compost helping you grow deep and stronger roots.

On the 29th, Venus will enter Sag, where it will be for the next 26 days, inviting you to take a journey through your spiritual, compassionate and inner realms. Allow yourself to rest. Do more of what renews your energy. Connect with the pleasure that you’re capable of experiencing when you let go. Honor the time and energy it takes to do life. If the world has yet to compensate you for all that you do, make sure you acknowledge yourself and your efforts. Lean on your support groups, the ones that know how to love and respect you.

As Jupiter goes direct in Taurus on the 30th, allow yourself to play. Connect with your inner child. Listen to them and indulge their desires. What would this look like? Think less, your impulsive side is dying to come through. Play and leisure can be sacred if you allow it to. This is a great energy to close the year and to think about your New Year’s Resolutions.

2023 hasn’t been easy, personally or collectively, and 2024 will be a year of big shifts and revelations with Pluto moving into Aquarius. We are moving towards the world we want to see come true, and even if at times we may feel close to losing hope, we’ll all be creating the kinds of connections and communities where we feel more supported within our personal and collective dreams. Connection is what will create the possibilities that will overshadow the feelings of hopelessness.

As Mercury goes direct in Sag on the first day of 2024, start the year with this mantra “I allow myself to go into the dark, and to sleep as much as I have to. I don’t make deadlines my number one priority. Instead, my need for deep rest and renewal takes center stage. How I move about my day is important. I slow down and tap into what my body asks of me”.