Cancer, the Scorpio New Moon on the 4th is here to remind you that creativity doesn’t always have to do with putting something out there. The inner process is as (or more) important as the outer one. Venus and Mercury both shift energy on the 5th. With Venus entering Capricorn one-on-one relationships will have more to offer you than group settings. Mercury entering Scorpio will have you in the mood for romance. Get your flirt on. Maybe even have a fling! On the 19th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is a calling to share your magic. Make sure to do so in the places where people recognize it. Don’t waste your energy on the ones that don’t. Expansive Sag will be swooping in at the end of the month through the Sun and Mercury, and some cleansing is in order. Redirect your focus from the projects that drain your energy.


I’m not afraid to get my message across. I don’t stick to conventionalities. I’m not here to serve structures that don’t serve me. I’m unlearning complacency. I make space for curiosity, even when it doesn’t bring rewards or societal acceptability.