Key Themes: Celebrating yourself, finding your flow, reigniting joy.

Cancer, your solar return is coming up and you’re at the precipice of a brand new, beautiful chapter.

Last month carried a distinctly intense feel to it – due to the powerful eclipses. These always impact you profoundly Cancer, because your planetary ruler is the moon. You’re in a process of evolution and this month will be one to celebrate your journey so far.

Bringing grounding waves of clarity, we first have Mercury (planet of communication) concluding its retrograde in Taurus on June 3rd. You might notice a slowing, calming and balancing of your mental state – and this definitely something that you can continue to cultivate Cancer. Pay close attention to your habits with technology and social media. Are you checking your phone first and last thing at night? You’re more than aware that it’s the little habits that impact your wellbeing in a big way. Use your discipline and discernment to make the best choices for yourself.

This theme could be emphasized further from June 4th, with Saturn beginning its retrograde, all the way until October 23rd. This retrograde will be shaking themes up on a societal level, as it takes place in the sign of the rule-breaker: Aquarius. On a global scale, we might witness this playing out as a breaking down of old structures, unhealthy leadership, and corruption. There may be some major shifts in financial systems.

Cancer for you personally, there may arise a journey of reflection regarding your unique place in the world – on the deepest of levels. You might start noticing the underlying dynamics of the relationships and environments that surround you. Pay close attention to what feels good and transparent, versus murky and manipulative… then shift away from the latter.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 14th, will be the perfect time to close out any toxic relationships and habits. Why not have a ritual around this? Find gratitude for how they served you in the past (even if it was just a false perception), and then make the conscious decision to let go. You’re ready for what’s next.

Plus, it’s the perfect time to shed anything that doesn’t serve you – because on June 21st the Sun enters your magical sign, and Cancer season begins! This time of the year is about Celebrating yourself, with a capital C. It’s time to reconnect with the energy of your inner child. Spoil yourself, have fun – and drop any guilt about putting yourself first. You deserve this!

The New Moon in your sign on June 28th will be a highly powerful time to use the positive energy you’ve cultivated, to draw in even more. This night, and days surrounding it – could be powerful for journaling and reflecting on the next steps towards your dreams, as well as how to align your inner energy with their external manifestation.